Last night we got a hard and fast rain. On the north west corner of the ranch it rained 2 3/4" accompanied by a lot of small hail. It caused the normally dry creek above the spring to fill with fast-moving water. Consequently it filled our creek and ran into the pond. The pond (above) was completely dry but is now full to the brim. In the four summers we've lived here, we've never even seen so much as a trickle in the creek above the spring, so it was quite the sight. A true blessing!Above is the where the Felt Road curves at the state line. Hopefully no one needed to get down that road!
Here's a creek coming from the north across our fence line.
Jeremy holding the hail. Behind him is the creek right before it comes into the spring. It was full of dead grass and hail.
Here's the screen Jeremy's grandfather Earl designed to catch trash and limbs to keep stuff from clogging the pipeline in the spring. This is the first time it' s been put to use.